Board Meeting Minutes - July 1, 2008
Patrick Flaherty, June Harris, Sue Leone, Mike Mangan, Ron Morgan, Eddie Rodriguez, Neeraj Rohilla
Approve Minutes
The minutes from the meeting of June 3, 2008 were approved without comment.
Mike provided three handouts to the Board: a list of articles in-hand or needed for the July newsletter, two ideas for the newsletter and the criteria for newsletter award consideration from RRCA. These are attached. The most important item regarding the July newsletter is the softball game. Ron agreed to write an article and Eddie agreed to provide a link to the photos taken at the game. With these and other currently promised items (From the Prez, Race Results, Photos of BCRR HARRA Awardees), we will be in a good position for timely completing the newsletter.
Both ideas for the newsletter were approved by the Board. Patrick suggested adding recognition for the best photo in the newsletter each month. This was also approved. Thus, beginning with the July issue, we will recognize the best article and the best photo each month.
For the August newsletter, each Board member will “interview” a member for recognition in the newsletter and also provide a photo of that person. The person selected should be an individual not normally or recently featured in the newsletter. Mike will provide the new member profile to be used as a guide (attached). The information will be needed by August 5th.
The RRCA newsletter award guidelines were provided as information at this time. The award submittal date is November 1st. This will be discussed further at a later meeting
Patrick provided a comparison of the projected annual interest between Encore Bank and WAMU. This comparison is attached. The difference is minimal. Since Encore Bank has locations throughout Houston that make banking reasonably convenient, Patrick recommended that we open our new checking account there. This was approved by the Board
Patrick was given bills from Ron Morgan for the softball game permit and from Mike Mangan for the newsletter mailing. These will be paid when the new bank account is opened.
Eddie and Patrick discussed how to organize the member list to best facilitate Eddie’s weekly mailings to the club.
Eddie mentioned that Bob has agreed to be the coordinator of the Club’s ITR input. Eddie handed out a calendar for the entire fiscal year that provides due dates for the ITR input as well as other important dates such as HARRA meeting dates, HARRA series races, etc.
Ron Morgan has agreed to be the new clothing coordinator. He has some good ideas about how to move forward with getting Club members interested in purchasing clothing. Sue will first put together an inventory of all clothing. Additionally, Sue suggested a “fire sale” for some of the older clothing. Ron also requested information on recent clothing purchases and sales.
Happy Hours and Name Tags
Since Happy Hours are scheduled into August, no additional ones were added. It was also agreed to use the originally scheduled name tag question from last month’s meeting for this month’s name tag. This information will be provided to Neeraj separate from the Board meeting.
Patrick Flaherty, June Harris, Sue Leone, Mike Mangan, Ron Morgan, Eddie Rodriguez, Neeraj Rohilla
Approve Minutes
The minutes from the meeting of June 3, 2008 were approved without comment.
Mike provided three handouts to the Board: a list of articles in-hand or needed for the July newsletter, two ideas for the newsletter and the criteria for newsletter award consideration from RRCA. These are attached. The most important item regarding the July newsletter is the softball game. Ron agreed to write an article and Eddie agreed to provide a link to the photos taken at the game. With these and other currently promised items (From the Prez, Race Results, Photos of BCRR HARRA Awardees), we will be in a good position for timely completing the newsletter.
Both ideas for the newsletter were approved by the Board. Patrick suggested adding recognition for the best photo in the newsletter each month. This was also approved. Thus, beginning with the July issue, we will recognize the best article and the best photo each month.
For the August newsletter, each Board member will “interview” a member for recognition in the newsletter and also provide a photo of that person. The person selected should be an individual not normally or recently featured in the newsletter. Mike will provide the new member profile to be used as a guide (attached). The information will be needed by August 5th.
The RRCA newsletter award guidelines were provided as information at this time. The award submittal date is November 1st. This will be discussed further at a later meeting
Patrick provided a comparison of the projected annual interest between Encore Bank and WAMU. This comparison is attached. The difference is minimal. Since Encore Bank has locations throughout Houston that make banking reasonably convenient, Patrick recommended that we open our new checking account there. This was approved by the Board
Patrick was given bills from Ron Morgan for the softball game permit and from Mike Mangan for the newsletter mailing. These will be paid when the new bank account is opened.
Eddie and Patrick discussed how to organize the member list to best facilitate Eddie’s weekly mailings to the club.
Eddie mentioned that Bob has agreed to be the coordinator of the Club’s ITR input. Eddie handed out a calendar for the entire fiscal year that provides due dates for the ITR input as well as other important dates such as HARRA meeting dates, HARRA series races, etc.
Ron Morgan has agreed to be the new clothing coordinator. He has some good ideas about how to move forward with getting Club members interested in purchasing clothing. Sue will first put together an inventory of all clothing. Additionally, Sue suggested a “fire sale” for some of the older clothing. Ron also requested information on recent clothing purchases and sales.
Happy Hours and Name Tags
Since Happy Hours are scheduled into August, no additional ones were added. It was also agreed to use the originally scheduled name tag question from last month’s meeting for this month’s name tag. This information will be provided to Neeraj separate from the Board meeting.